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We have a long history in Far North Queensland for delivering award-winning commercial and domestic building projects. Our experience is extensive and includes the following commercial and domestic services:
Quality Management System
Our vision and commitment are to be a high performance, customer-driven business. We pledge to the following:
- Deliver our services with competence and skill and to work in partnership with our clients to ensure that the end product is delivered to the highest level of quality workmanship and is and maintained.
- We obligate that all standards of workmanship are of high quality with the appropriate level of industry practice for the class of work performed.
- Adopt an Integrated Management approach incorporating principles of Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA), and risk-based thinking throughout our Business Management System (BMS).
- Continually develop and improve relevant and suitable quality management processes and procedures in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standards.
- Improve our economic performance through developing productivity measures and objectives;
- Provide reliable business support and customer service to meet our changing needs by delivering the most suitable building solutions.
- Invest in our people through personal development opportunities and career progression plans;
Occupational Health & Safety Management
Vis Constructions Pty Ltd recognises its moral and legal responsibility to ensure all work activities are done safely, to provide and maintain a safe and healthy work environment, and to facilitate for the welfare of all employees, contractors and visitors. We pledge to the following:
- Senior Management will ensure that our integrated Business Management System (BMS) is continuously improved in order to prevent and eliminate work-related injury and illness.
- Maintain systems in place that ensure that objectives and targets pertaining to Occupational Health and Safety are regularly reviewed and analysed to ensure that our ongoing commitment to safety in the workplace is maintained at the highest level.
- Objectively demonstrate our obligation to improving OHS performance, providing written procedures and instructions to ensure safe systems of work, provide information, instruction, training and supervision to employees, contractors and visitors to ensure their safety.
- To provide support and assistance to employees.
- The provision of resources to meet our health and safety commitment.
- Compliance with relevant Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) legislation and current industry standards including other requirements placed upon the organisation or to which the organisation subscribes.
- Continually develop and improve relevant and suitable OHSM processes and procedures in accordance with ISO 45001:2018 OH&S Management System Standards.
Environmental Management System
We stand committed to protecting both the local and global environment. To minimise environmental impacts concerning our activities, products and services, we pledge to the following:
- To ensure that any environmental impacts associated with the actions carried out in the process of providing our service to our clients are identified and evaluated with control measures implemented to minimise any negative impact on the environment.
- Senior Management will ensure our integrated Business Management System (BMS) is continuously improved in order to prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimise the consumption of resources.
- Compliance with relevant obligations including Environmental Legislation and requirements prescribed by the client.
- Our BMS objectives and targets pertaining to Environmental Management are regularly reviewed and analysed and processes and procedures in accordance with ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Standards are implemented to ensure that our ongoing commitment to the conservation of the environment is upheld.
This policy assigns responsibility to the environment to all Vis Constructions Pty Ltd personnel and will ensure that Vis Constructions Pty Ltd continues to provide the highest level of environmental management on all Project work sites
Relationships & Communication
We pride ourselves on the strong relationships we maintain with clients, subcontractors and the general construction industry. Our team are effective communicators, affable people and diligent builders. This is demonstrated by the continuing growth of our business and supported by many of our client testimonials.
We have a culture of applying a fair approach to contractual issues and always aim to resolve queries in a respectful and calm manner with the benefit of all parties in mind. This approach is grounded int eh professional project management skills of our senior management team.
Continuous Improvement & Innovation
We are always looking for ways to improve how we do business. This covers all aspects of our business, from construction methods to client communications to work-force training. Our most significant business improvement in recent years has been the employment of skilled project managers and contract administrators to lead larger projects.
We’ve expanded and refined our business management policies and procedures to establish a system that is accredited and effective, while not being too cumbersome. These initiatives have been complemented with increased industry training for our staff so they can confidently lead and implement the improvements we make.
Our business is making a strong contribution to the ongoing viability and effectiveness of the building industry in Far North Queensland. This translates to greater outcomes for our clients through the use of good systems and high-quality construction methods. Resulting in award-winning domestic and commercial buildings, suited to the tropics.